Waking up after a heavy night out can leave you feeling drained and immobilised; it’s a feeling we all know too well. However, with the right tips and tricks you can bounce back, re-energise, and get yourself ready to take on another night. This post will guide you through some effective ways to prevent and recover from a hangover, leaving you feeling refreshed.

Pre-party Prep
1# Hydration:
Make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially during summer when hot weather increases the risk of dehydration. Aim to drink 2–3 litres of water daily. To stay hydrated while consuming alcohol, alternate between alcoholic drinks and water. This approach helps maintain hydration and keeps you feeling your best.
2# Nutrition:
The next tip comes down to nutrition. Ensure to fuel up in the day with balanced meals rich in carbs, proteins and healthy fats before you start drinking. Some good meals include: pasta and chicken dishes.
3# Supplements:
It’s easy to become deficient in vitamins and minerals from the hot weather and the lack of nutrition so make sure to take supplements for Vitamins C/B as well as Magnesium and that should help to replenish nutrients lost through alcohol consumption.
4# Limit Sugary Cocktails:
Limiting sugary cocktails will help reduce the severity of a hangover by decreasing your blood sugar spikes and crashes. This will help you to feel less fatigued and reduce headaches.
Excess sugar also can worsen dehydration which is a big factor for feeling hungover. Choosing less sugary drinks overall helps to maintain steadier energy levels, reducing the strain on your body during recovery.
Overall, the biggest factor that can reduce hangovers is maintaining hydration before the night out and also drinking water throughout the night in between drinks will help to keep you hydrated so you don’t wake up feeling drained.